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4km resolution Infrared (IR) satellite imagery from MTSAT-1R for the Australian region. Images are courtesy of the US Navy, update at around 20 minutes past the UTC hour and are archived for 14 days.

10/2/2014: Due to a server outage with where we source the satellite imagery from, imagery is currently unavailable. We apologise for this.
14/02/2014: Imagery is slowly returning however there are some issues with timestamps on the imagery. We apologise for this and are working to resolve this ASAP.

Index & Summary | Satellite - 1km VIS, Infrared, Water Vapour, Enhanced IR, MTSAT Colourized IR
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Last 12 images :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  :  : UTC 

Images are sourced from an external website which is prone to the occasional period of downtime. Questions, comments and suggestions should be directed to Ben Quinn.

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